Ocean Care Solutions
Product Review - Jellyfish Sting Relief Solution
About Ocean Care Solutions
Ocean Care Solutions' (OCS) first aid products were developed by Kevin, a certified scuba diver. Kevin noticed that there was no convenient, proven medically effective, first aid products for stings from the Lionfish, the Man of War, the Sea Urchin, the Stingray, Fire Coral and Jellyfish. For two years Kevin consulted with international marine science and emergency medical communities to develop what they refer to as 'the definitive Gold Standard' for sea sting injuries. All OCS's products have been developed without the reliance of myths, home remedies or guesswork.
Ron at OCS got in contact with Dive Flag App in a hope to have their product reviewed and publicized to Scuba Divers around the world. After initial discussions OCS sent us, here at Dive Flag App, a package containing a few hundred samples to test and distribute to other Dive Flag App members. Today we had the opportunity to test their most 'popular' product the Jellyfish Sting Relief Solution (JSR Solution). This was a timely arrangement as Australia is currently experiencing an outbreak of jellyfish including the Blue Blubber Jellyfish (common name).
Product Description - Jellyfish Sting Relief Solution

OCS's JSR Solution was developed to neutralize the stinging cells of jellyfish. The solution suspends any remaining pain causing nematocysts (stinging cells) from firing. The directions of use are as follows:
- Rinse the injury with salt water only,
- Shake the spray and simultaneously press down on the top to pump the solution,
- Apply the safe JSR Solution for 3-5 minutes, and then
- Simply scrape away the pain. Re-apply if necessary.
The application of the JSR solution is to 'de-activate' the jellyfish stinging cells. For the best results it is recommended that you apply the JSR Solution as soon as possible after having been stung. Delay in the use of this product limits effectiveness.
The JSR Solution comes in a small and convenient spray bottle made with medically recommended 5% acetic acid for the best results.
Product Trial
Dive Flag App were naturally skeptical about the effectiveness of OCS's JSR Solution and so we decided to test the product out. Before reading further it is important to note that Dive Flag App did so under the supervision of trained emergency personnel and in no way is Dive Flag App suggesting that other members perform the following test.
Frank Vorster located two Blue Blubber Jellyfish in the Gold Coast Seaway, Queensland, Australia. He proceeded to sting himself in two 'similar' locations by lightly pressing up against the tentacles of the two jellyfish as they floated by. To one location he applied the JSR Solution and to the other he applied nothing. Eager to test the product out - others part-took in the experiment too.
- Within one minute, the stinging sensation on the hand with the JSR Solution started to subside whilst the second location's continued to intensify as more stinging cells activated.
- After five minutes the stinging sensation on the location with the JSR Solution had all but faded completely, whilst the stinging sensation of the second location continued.
- Frank wiped the location with the JSR Solution as directed. The location where he had applied the JSR Solution appeared unaffected. Whilst having wiped off the second location in a similar fashion had only activated the remaining stinging cells, effectively reactivating the sting.
- For a further 25 minutes Frank felt the stinging sensation on the second location whilst the location where the JSR Solution was applied felt "like it was never stung".
Product Review
The JSR Solution performed as OCS had claimed. The product was easy to apply and immediately effective. The quality is guaranteed by OCS's Californian manufacturing facility. A single 1oz bottle can be used to relieve 4 stings and the 4oz bottle can relieve up to 12 stings. With a shelf life of over 2 years the product can be stored without concern.
- Price: 5/5
- Effectiveness: 5/5
- Quality: 5/5
- Product Recommendation: Don't get stung without it! Don't go diving without it!
Dive Flag App highly recommend that all beach going, water sport activists and especially scuba divers keep a bottle of the solution in their bag. The product is incredible effective and useful.
Where to Buy the Product
Dive Flag App is so impressed with the effectiveness of the solution, we have worked out an arrangement with Ocean Care Solutions to become the exclusive distributor for these products. Dive Flag App is currently developing an on-line store where you can buy the product. If you would like a sample, to purchase some units for personal use or become a retailer for these products, simply email us for more information: info@diveflagapp.com .

Blessed Diving,
Dive Flag App